Bottom of the draw brown rice stir fry

bottom of the bin dinner

I like to call this bottom of the veggie draw dinner because that is exactly what it is…….or else you could possibly call it I couldn’t be bothered doing the shopping dinner, because if for some reason my day has been turned upside down or a screaming child has prevented me from doing the groceries…….. then this might be the last stop before the dreaded takeaways.

Back in the days when I used to freestyle my shopping this dish would feature in our house almost every week.

Freestyling pretty much meant that I came home with lots of nothing which resulted in a lot of waste and all kinds of odds and ends floating around the bottom of the veggie bin. Chop them up and stir fry all together and that half dead looking carrot with a quarter piece of red cabbage and a few other stray bits can quickly turn into a rather tasty dinner.

I haven’t yet found any particular vegetable that doesn’t work……pumpkin, eggplant even brussel sprouts you can roast and still add.

What you’ll need

Brown rice cooked

Soy or tamari

Hot sauce

Crispy golden shallots

All the veg left in your veggie draw

Ginger is another gem that is always floating around my fridge, grate some up and it will liven up any old stir fry.

Coconut oil is best but anything will do


Because this is what I consider a “whatever dinner” all care generally goes out the window and once chopped I throw the whole lot into the wok at once and hope for the best.

There is always the safety of heavily disguising the whole meal with hot sauce and crispy golden shallots.