My easy go to omelette

Easy omelette, 1eightykitchen weekly tip

I have been making and eating this omelette for years, I still haven’t gotten tired of it. Believe it or not it was one of the first things they taught us to make in Chefs college and quite possibly the only thing that I still make. Of course, I have changed it slightly with the goat’s cheese and the rocket and really you can do absolutely any variation you like with the fillings. I also find it’s a great way to use up any stray leftover veggies, herbs or leaves that are on their last legs. Chop them up throw them in and viola. Tasty lunch ready in minutes.

You will want to use a small heavy based non stick fry pan.

What you’ll need

2 eggs

1 tablespoon of milk or water

salt and pepper

1 teaspoon of olive oil

1/2 packet approx of cherry tomatoes

a handful of rocket

A wedge of goats cheese chevre (Aldi does a really creamy mild flavoured goats chevre and it was only around $4)


Place your pan on high heat with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. You are heating your pan up first as you want a really nice hot pan when you put the egg mix in.

In a bowl whisk eggs with milk and salt and pepper.

Slice tomatoes in half.

Your pan should be just below smoke point now so add your egg mix and let it settle on the base for 10 seconds.

Then gently tilt your pan up away from you to about a 45 degree angle, take your spatula and pull the base of the omelette up 3/4 of the pan towards you. What will happen is all the liquid egg is then going to fill that space.

Place the pan back down flat for 5 seconds and repeat the previous step, but this time you will only pull the omelette up halfway.

Repeat once more but this time you will just lift up from the base slightly to let any remaining liquid egg in.

Now set the base flat on the element again until your eggs cook through to your liking, personally, I like mine pretty sloppy.

Remove your omelette from the heat and sprinkle over one half side with the tomatoes, rocket and crumble over the goat’s cheese.

Fold the top over the filling and transfer to your plate.

I tend to slide mine out at the same time gently tipping it upside down.

Top with chilli oil (if you want)
